Wiki-Quellcode von Search / usage restrictions

Zuletzt geändert von Xwiki DXC-Admin am 2020/10/15 10:42

Verstecke letzte Bearbeiter
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.2 1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.1 3 Certain items in the archives may be subject to search and usage restrictions due to laws and regulations. More information can be found on the relevant help pages:
Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 5 * Personal term of protection
6 * General term of protection (30 years)
7 * General term of protection (60 years)
8 * Legal usage restrictions
9 * Other usage restrictions
10 * Unappraised documents
11 * General term of protection not found
12 * Classified information
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.2 13 )))