Zeige letzte Bearbeiter
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3 **Search terms**
5 * If you use more than one search word, you can choose whether one or all of the terms must appear in the results and whether the order in which you have entered the words must be considered.
7 * Truncations can be selected by inserting a wildcard to the left / right of the search term: **Suche mit Platzhalter links/rechts**.
9 * You can restrict your search to digitised material by ticking the checkboxes beneath the entry field for the search terms.
11 * If you use the **Thesaurus **function, related terms will be included in your search. For example, the search term “Verlosung” would also find the words “Lotterie” and “Zählung”. The effectiveness of the truncation feature is limited when using the thesaurus. For example, the search term “Verlosung” would get several results with the truncation and thesaurus options, but the search term “Verlos” would not get any thesaurus results.
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16 **[[image:Tabelle_Eingrenzenauf.JPG||style="float:right"]]Search in only one or several specific fonds**
19 * If you want to restrict your search to one or more fonds, you can use the fonds table in the search panel.
21 * If the list of fonds is empty, a search will be run in all available fonds.
23 There are two ways to restrict your search to one or more fonds:
25 ~1. By clicking **+** on the right-hand side: This will open a search dialogue where you can search for a fonds reference code or fonds name. You can also search for a classification point and select it.
28 2. By pressing the **Suche eingrenzen?** (restrict search) button below the hierarchical structure window: In this case, all __[[fonds >>doc:Glossary.Fonds.WebHome]]__assigned to the selected group and sub-groups in the __[[hierarchical structure>>doc:Glossary.Hierarchicalstructure.WebHome]]__ will be transferred to the table in the search panel. The button below the classification works in the same way for a classification point in a fonds.
31 [[image:Button_Eingrenzenauf.JPG||style="float:left"]]
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38 One or more fonds can be selected in the table and removed by clicking **Markierte Bestände entfernen** (remove selected __[[fonds>>doc:Glossary.Fonds.WebHome]]__).
40 You can also completely empty the table by clicking **Alle Bestände entfernen** (remove all __[[fonds>>doc:Glossary.Fonds.WebHome]]__).
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45 **Terms and appraisal results**
47 * By default, searches are only run for items that are suitable for archiving. If you choose to extend your search to unappraised documents (depending on individual access rights) by chosing the option **auch in unbewerteten Unterlagen (abhängig von individuellen Zugriffsrechten)**, documents that have not yet been appraised by the Federal Archives will also be included in the search
48 * If you select **nur nach Unterlagen in der Verfügungsgewalt des Bundesarchivs/Nur abgelaufene Aufbewahrungsfrist **(only documents at the disposal of the Federal Archives or only expired retention periods), you will only be shown files that can be requested for use in the reading room. If a term of protection is yet to expire, you will have to request a reduction of the term. You can find more information on__[[ terms of protection>>doc:Glossary.Termofprotection.WebHome]]__ in the help article on __[[search and usage restrictions>>doc:Glossary.Searchandusagerestrictions.WebHome]]__.
49 * If a [[__retention period__>>doc:Glossary.Retentionperiod.WebHome]] is yet to expire, you may be able to access the archive material via the issuing authority in accordance with the German Freedom of Information Act (IFG). The retention periods are determined by legal standards and the official bodies that hand over the files to the Federal Archives.
50 * If you select the search option **Nur abgelaufene Schutzfrist** (only expired retention periods), you will only be shown files that can be used in accordance with the Federal Archives Act.
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55 **Further options**
57 * You can refine your search by entering further information in the **additional fields**. Please note that not all information you are aware of will be included in the cataloguing data.
58 * In the **Signatur** (__[[reference code>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__) field, you can search for current and old archive reference codes or fonds reference codes. Please note the information on how to correctly enter __[[reference codes>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__.
59 * In the **Zeitraum** (time range) fields, you can enter the desired time range for your search results. You can also choose to fill only one of the two fields.
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