Wiki-Quellcode von How to request items

Zuletzt geändert von Xwiki DXC-Admin am 2022/05/31 13:12

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3 There are **two ways** to request __[[items >>doc:Glossary.Item.WebHome]]__from the archives:
5 1. [[__Request from a wish list__>>doc:.requestitemswishlist.WebHome]]
6 1. [[__Direct request with a reference code__>>doc:.directrequest.WebHome]]
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11 **Basic information about requesting items:**
13 * __[[Items >>doc:Glossary.Item.WebHome]]__can only be viewed in the reading room at the location where they are stored. The storage location is displayed in the cataloguing information for each reference code.
15 * You can reserve files for a specific date via the **Vorbestellen** button. If you are using a PC in a reading room at the Federal Archives, you can use the **Bestellen **(request) button to have items delivered as soon as possible, i.e. the next time files are removed from the storeroom.
17 * You can generally request a maximum of 50 __[[items >>doc:Glossary.Item.WebHome]]__at once.
19 * After placing an order, you will receive a notification to confirm whether your requested __[[items>>doc:Glossary.Item.WebHome]]__ can be delivered.
21 * You will also be shown a list of your requested files, which you can save on your PC. The list is automatically sent to your email adress as well.
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