Zuletzt geändert von Xwiki DXC-Admin am 2020/11/16 13:57

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Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 1 (% class="box infomessage" %)
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 3.1 3 You can open your marked (saved) archive __[[reference codes >>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__by selecting **Merkzettel/Bestellen** (wish list / request) from the menu.
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 3.1 5 To fill a wish list with saved__[[ reference codes>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__, mark the relevant data records that you have found via the navigating or general search by ticking the checkbox next to the information and then click the **Merkzettel/Bestellen **(save / request) button. The reference codes will then be transferred to your wish list.
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.1 6
Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 7 __Wish list functions:__
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 9 * **Markierte als PDF** (Save selection as PDF): This will generate a PDF for you to save or print. The PDF will open in a new browser tab.
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.1 10
Xwiki DXC-Admin 4.1 11 * **Markierte per E-Mail senden **(Send selection via email): Select the __[[reference codes>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__ that you would like to send to your email address and click on the button. If you want to send yourself an entire wish list as a PDF, select the __[[wish list>>doc:Glossary.Wishlist.WebHome]]__ from the wish list overview and click “send wish list”.
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.1 12
Xwiki DXC-Admin 4.1 13 * **Markierte entfernen **(Remove selection): Select the__[[ reference codes>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__ that you want to delete and then press the button to remove the __[[reference codes>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__ from your __[[wish list>>doc:Glossary.Wishlist.WebHome]]__.
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 4.1 15 * **Markierte übertragen **(Transfer selection): This function enables you to move or copy__[[ reference codes>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__ to another __[[wish list>>doc:Glossary.Wishlist.WebHome]]__.
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.1 16
Xwiki DXC-Admin 4.1 17 * **(Vor-)Bestellen **(Reserve / Request): You can reserve these items for use in a reading room at the Federal Archives. The “request” button is only available on the PCs in the reading rooms. If you request files, they will be taken out for you when __[[items >>doc:Glossary.Item.WebHome]]__are next removed from the storeroom. The “request” button allows you to request files for use in the reading room on a specific date. More information on requesting items is available here: [[__How to request items__>>doc:Helpmenu.requestitems.WebHome]].
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 3.1 22 ATTENTION: The functions described above can be used for a maximum of 500 entries. You can use the functions for all entries in a wish list via the[[__ wish list overview__>>doc:Helpmenu.wishlist.Wishlistoverview.WebHome]]. You can request a maximum of 50 archive __[[reference codes>>doc:Glossary.Referencecode.WebHome]]__ for use in the reading room.
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.1 27 If you have added items to a wish list without signing in and then sign in afterwards, the search hits will be added to the top wish list (if you have more than one wish list in use). The entries will be ordered alphabetically and cannot be rearranged.
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