How to use the functions in the wish list overview

Zuletzt geändert von Xwiki DXC-Admin am 2020/10/15 10:39

You can see an overview of your wish lists (if you have created more than one) by clicking on the Merkzettelübersicht (wish list overview) tab.

If you select a wish list, you can access the following functions:

Speichern (Save): Change the wish list name and press the Speichern (save) button.

Merkzettel anzeigen (Show wish list): This shows you which items are on your wish list and allows you to request them. Further information is available on the help page “How to use the wish list functions”.

Merkzettellink teilen (Share link to wish list): This function generates a new row with a direct link to your wish list. You can copy the contents of this row and paste the link wherever you like.

Merkzettel löschen (Delete wish list): This deletes the current wish list.

Merkzettel senden (Send wish list): This sends the contents of your wish list as a PDF to the email address registered under your user details.

als PDF speichern (Save as PDF): This will generate a PDF of your wish list in a new browser tab. Please make sure your browser allows pop-ups for invenio.

Merkzettel importieren (Import wish list): This imports one wish list into another via a direct link. You can create the link to the wish list by pressing the Merkzettellink teilen button. Copy this link to the clipboard (select the row, right click and select “copy” or use the key combination “Ctrl C”). Then select the wish list in which you want to import the first wish list and press the Merkzettel importieren button. Enter the link to the wish list (right click and select “paste” or use the key combination “Ctrl V”) and confirm by pressing the Importieren button.

Zurück (Return): This closes the display of the current wish list and takes you back to your wish list overview.

Erstellt von Xwiki DXC-Admin am 2020/10/07 10:29