Wiki-Quellcode von How to change your password

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Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 1 (% class="box infomessage" %)
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3 To change your password, sign in to //invenio// and select **Benutzerdaten** (user details) from the menu. You will then see your personal contact details.
Xwiki DXC-Admin 1.1 4
Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 5 1. Enter your new password in the fields **Neues Passwort** and **Wiederholung neues Passwort** ("enter new password” and “re-enter new password"). You cannot enter anything in the field **E-Mail-Wiederholung** (re-enter email address); this is only for changing your email address. You cannot change your email address and password at the same time.
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 7 1. Click on the “save” button.
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 9 1. You will be asked to re-enter your **old** password in a pop-up. You will then be informed that your password has been successfully changed.
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.2 12 (% class="box infomessage" %)
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14 Your password must be between 8 and 20 characters long. It must contain upper-case letters, lower-case letters and at least one number. Special characters are also allowed.
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Xwiki DXC-Admin 2.1 17 (% class="box warningmessage" %)
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19 If you have [[__forgotten your password__>>doc:FAQeng.Resetpassword.WebHome]], you can have a new one sent by clicking on **Passwort vergessen? **(forgot password?) on the log-in page and then entering your username and email address.
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